Sunday, August 1, 2010

Massachusetts Family and Acadia National Park (Part 1)

The last two weeks have been very busy with all the visiting we have done. Shirley was able to visit with every one of the grandchildren and their spouses and great-grandchildren. Joshua Ray’s wife Sarah will be visiting us with when we return to Mass. And that will complete the circle. Maggie (Donna’s mother-in-law) invited us for a lovely lunch at her home on the Cape and we enjoyed catching up and being able to get into the ocean (for Les anyway)….we will be returning there in the next week to drop off Les’ aunt for a visit with Maggie. So no one thinks we didn’t do some visiting of our own, I had a wonderful lunch with 2 friends from the old Aetna days, Laurie and Ruthmary and we had fun reminiscing about those “good old days”. July 30th we left Massachusetts to head up to Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor Maine. I can just hear each of you making fun of our accent right now saying Bah Hahba…so quit it!

Today we toured the Loop Road (Acadia NP) and were treated to some awesome New England/Atlantic Ocean scenery. You never forget how gorgeous all of this is, but visiting the area again brought back our love for this part of the country. The weather has been absolutely fabulous with chilly nights and sunny days in the 70’s. Who can come to Maine and not have a lobstah dinner? Shirley and Les both indulged for lunch complete with Clam Chowhda with Pat opting for the less messy lobstah roll, toasted of course! It was very good (and very expensive!). It must have been good because Shirley laid down in the back seat with her blanket and pillow and fell asleep on the way home - always a sign of a good meal!

We are staying at a campground that was recommended by a man that Les befriended in Boone, North Carolina and he is here too! They connected this morning and discussed various pizza and donut restaurants in the area that just couldn’t be missed! They were planning to play golf but we will not be here long enough to do so as tomorrow we will head to another part of Acadia National Park, Schoodic Peninsula. This area was listed as a can’t miss by Harris’ wife Carolyn when we visited with them, so off we will go tomorrow. We are planning a picnic (because heaven forbid we go a couple of hours without food!).

On our way us to Maine we stopped in Scarborough to make a surprise visit to Les’ childhood friend, David Atwood who lives in Porter but works in Scarborough. David was surprised and he and Les made plans for Les to go home with him after work on Monday and spend the night, returning Tuesday to the camp. We will be heading back to the Scarborough area anyway on Monday to see Dee Dee and hear about her trip to South Carolina. We felt so bad that the timing of her visit coincided with “oppressive heat”. Maybe a return visit in the Fall will let her see more of the City in comfort. Anyway I also have a friend who lives in Biddeford that I would like to see if we can connect. And some friends in Wells Beach Maine to see. Thankfully all of these places are reasonably close together.

So that’s the update, nothing too interesting for those of our friends who don’t know our relatives and probably somewhat amusing for those who do! Our last adventures in Mass. will be Shirley’s class reunion, a visit with her sister-in-law who is up from Connecticut and a final visit with Fred and Jeanne.

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