Monday, June 21, 2010

Florida, Georgia, South Carolina

June 20 - Happy Father’s Day! 8:40am off we go - ahead of schedule! Leisurely drive to Coastal Georgia RV Resort with the last 10 minutes in pouring rain, but it cleared quickly. Les went for a swim and we settled in for the Red Sox/Dodger game.

June 21 - after our morning exercise, off to South Carolina. We’ll stay one day there and then we’ll head off to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our blog will start slow as there isn’t many places to visit until we head into the mountains! I did spring for a new camera so as soon as I can figure out how to work it (but I did get the basics from Nancy) will start posting some of the better ones!

1 comment:

  1. Good A.M.

    Hope your trip is going well and looking forward to some great pics with your new camera.
    Meeting Elaine for a walk and then to Curves.
    Tomorrow golf with Jean.
    Miss you.
    LOL :)
